
From honey jar labels to giant banners, staying on brand is an important part of maintaining Arizona State University's identity. Collaborating with over 200 designers and programmers within the university allows for a certain structure and consistency. Within this brand however, flexibility allows our designs to stay current while still applying the brand rules.

From Jan. 2019 to July 1, 2021, Kenro Kusumi served as the director for School of Life Sciences, the largest academic unit in The College and the university. During this time, he also served as the Associate Dean of Strategic Partnerships for The College.

Jennifer Fewell was our interim School of Life Sciences director, and the end of her tenure was around the time where we have our annual summer potluck. We asked her if she wanted to do a celebration, but she didn't want one and just wanted to enjoy the small gathering. I created this illustration of her dog, Moxie after connecting with her husband for some ideas as to what items she would enjoy looking at. From past interactions, I knew that blue was one of her favorite colors, so I placed the artwork with a blue background.